Awards Season 2013: 8 Best Moments Of the Year
Sunday marked the biggest night in film and after a long awards season — and even longer awkward pauses as Seth MacFarlane showed why he's hilarious but not Oscar awards show funny. Here's a look back at some of the best award show moments of the year. Spoiler alert: If you don't like Tina Fey and Jennifer Lawrence, avert your eyes. Now.
Critic’s Choice Awards
1. Ben Affleck being super classy about his Academy Awards snubs
“I would like to thank the Academy. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. This is the one that counts,” he said, adding. “It's very very cool for me. .. There was a time that a Ben Affleck critics award was a Saturday Night Live sketch.”
Oh Ben, you almost make me want to like you more than Matt Damon. Almost.
2. Honorable mention: Joseph Gordon-Levitt being adorable giving Jessica Chastain her award, and Jessica being excited – as she should be – at talking to an award she won.
If you are looking for a video, don’t worry it’s all wrapped up in the one above.
Screen Actors Guild Awards
3. Tina Fey winning a SAG and telling people to tape The Big Bang Theory
“Amy, I’ve known you since you were pregnant with Lena Dunham” might be one of the funniest things anyone’s ever said at an awards show that wasn’t a host. “Just tape The Big Bang Theory for once for crying out loud” is the second.
4. Honorable mention: Dick Van Dyke winning a lifetime achievement award
Mostly because Dick Van Dyke is a legend and you should watch him do more than trip over a footstool in black and white reruns of The Dick Van Dyke Show. Plus, Alec Baldwin introducing anyone is a win for everyone.
Golden Globes
5. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler being Tina Fey and Amy Poehler
Joking about torture with James Cameron’s ex, making The Hunger Games and Life of Pi into eating puns about their gorgeous dresses, and making Ricky Gervais cower in the shadow of their awesome united lady powers make the comedy duo’s opening monologue one of the highlights of the awards season anywhere.
6. Honorable mention: Jennifer Lawrence’s reaction to the world’s reaction to her “I beat Meryl” bit in her acceptance speech at the Globes
(*Technically Jodie Foster’s I’m coming out, but I’m already out, give me privacy, I’m an actor speech should be the honorable mention, but this is a time where you just need to let sleeping dogs lie.)
OK, so this itself isn’t an awards show moment, but it’s intrinsically related and that’s good enough. Not all of the jokes are the best, but “What’s you talking about Wallace? Also the alphabet called – they want their letters back” is funny no matter what you say.
The Academy Awards
7. Jennifer Lawrence falling, getting up, being super cool and laughing it off later
The Hunger Games might have been J. Law's big coming out party to America (sorry Winter's Bone fans) but Silver Linings Playbook and her innate 20-something awkward hilariousness this awards show season is what made me a fan.
Talking about the stigma of mental illness in one breath and how she did a shot before going out to talk with entertainment journalists about "the fall" in another is the reason I'm down with Jennifer.
8. Honorable mention: Helen Hunt rocking H&M with expensive diamonds
Other than being in As Good As It Gets, this is the best thing that Helen Hunt has ever done.
*If you were curious about the boob song that Miss Lawrence thought was hilarious, you could Google it — or just skip it and head to "Seth MacFarlane was right: Amy and Tina Should Just Host Everything."