New Pope 2013 to Get a Special Visitor: Dennis Rodman
Ex-NBA star Dennis Rodman not only survived his foray into North Korea, he befriended one of the world's most reclusive and sinister leaders, Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un. Now his goodwill tour has another stop: the Holy See.
Yes, that's right, the next world leader Rodman will grace with his dubious charms is the next pope. According to the folks over at TMZ, “his people” have been in contact with the “mucky mucks at the Vatican and they're trying to arrange a sit-down with the next person to don the big funny hat.”
Rodman says that “I want to be anywhere in the world that I'm needed … I want to spread a message of peace and love throughout the world.” Citing his recent sojourn to the world's most isolated nation (and most brutal dictatorship), D-Rod says he can break barriers no one else can.
It's worth noting that Rodman's visit to North Korea has been followed up on with a series of violent threats against the South and the U.S., including a blunt warning that they would attempt to nuke America. Wherever Rodman goes, looks like trouble follows. And any Western papal candidate might have better things to do than meet a man who has claimed to have slept with over 2,000 women.
But there's some people with apparently fewer qualms about thoroughly endorsing D-Rod's diplomatic bona fides. Could Rodman's visit to North Korea and the planned Vatican trip have any sinister correlation? Who, exactly, does Rodman see us praying to in the very near future?