5 Best Disney Princess Videos On The Internet


Spring Breakers just got the "Disney Princess" treatment and it's nothing short of hilarious. Illicit drugs may be swapped for poison apples and James Franco's character for Alladin's genie, but it doesn't make the trailer any less risqué.

Check it out along with the four other best Disney Princess videos on the Internet:.

1. Disney Princess Spring Breakers Trailer:

Source: collegehumour.com

2. Hipster Disney Princesses: The Musical:

Listen to Belle say that "The book was better than the movie", Snow White brag about how she "talked to birds before twitter" and Cinderella top it off with "Glass Slippers? Ugh so before midnight." 

3. Ever After-Disney Parody:

This video made me feel slightly unaccomplished but mostly envious of anyone who gets to hang out with this guy. Can he just be the next Justin Bieber? Pretty please? After you watch him sing a perfectly tuned alternative to your favorite Disney songs, you'll agree.

4. Saturday Night Live's Disney Housewives:

This skit is, by far, one of Kirsten Wig's best moments on SNL. Watch her play a sloshed Cinderella who admits to the camera that: "Aladdin and Jasmine are broke" and that "they've used up all their wishes." I dare you to listen to this without lolling at least once.

5. Wishery-Pogo Remix

A mishmash of old scenes from Snow White remixed to the sounds of Pogo. Now that I think about it, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs could totally have been a seriously amazing electro-pop group.


For another great tune that includes a hodgepodge of Aladdin, Cinderella, Mary Poppins and Peter Pan check out this video: