3 Things the Pope Could Do For Women (Besides Wash Their Feet)
The Pope traveled to Casal del Marmo prison Thursday for a traditional Holy Thursday mass. Although the ceremonial process was rooted in tradition, the way the Pope conducted it certainly wasn't. According to the BBC, the Pontiff decided to break the tradition and include women for the first time:
"During Thursday's intimate service, the Pope washed and kissed the feet of 12 young detainees to replicate the Bible's account of Jesus Christ's gesture of humility towards his 12 apostles on the night before he was crucified. The 12 inmates included two girls, one Italian Catholic, and one of Serbian Muslim origin, local prison ombudsman Angiolo Marroni said ahead of the ceremony.
Although washing and kissing the feet of women is great, here are more pressing issues the Pope should consider during his time as leader of the Catholic Church.
1. Let women be ordained as priests
Women should also be allowed to vote in the conclave election. There are 600 million female catholics in the world. Why do none of them have a say about who the next pope will be?
2. Support marriage equality
Pope Francis has called homosexuality "destructive attack on God’s plan" and gay adoption a form of discrimination against children. He needs to stop fuelling the devilish-like discourse on gay marriage and advocate for equal rights for everyone whoever they love.
3. Support family planning services and practices
The Pontiff is against contraception and thinks pro-choice policies are part of a "culture of death." He needs to support women's reproductive health and freedom. If family planning is the single most cost-effective way to reduce maternal mortality and improve maternal health, why is he still against it?
What else could the pope do for women?
Let me know on Twitter: @feministabulous