Kevin Wallin: Cross-Dressing Priest Confesses to Selling Meth, Running Porn Store
Kevin Wallin, the 61-year-old Connecticut priest nicknamed "Monsignor Meth," is expected to plead guilty next week to a slew of crimes not often associated with the Catholic Church.
Father Wallin made over $300,000 selling methamphetamines from his apartment, and the parking lot of a porn shop he also owned — which sold sex toys as a legitimate cover for laundering his ill-gotten gains. Wallin's impressive network spanned the country from Connecticut to California.
Wallin is also reported to have been addicted to meth himself, and "sometimes dressed as a woman, [and] would entertain odd-looking men, some who were also dressed in women's clothing and engaging in sex acts."
I personally can't imagine how the cross-dressing community is going to recover from this terrible publicity. Perhaps this is an opportunity to re-open the discussion about allowing clergy to marry — and have a healthy outlet for their pent up sexuality?
This is certainly a better scenario than the usual sexual misconduct associated with the Catholic church, but a priest that indulges in regular meth fueled, transvestite orgies is sure to lead some interesting sermons the next morning!
My biggest concern, is that this is not an isolated incident. North Korea was recently implicated in a new scandal when it was revealed that it used its international embassies to deal drugs. Perhaps the pope's recent foot washing humility is just a clever cover for a vast, global Catholic meth distribution ring?