Margaret Thatcher Dies: Good night, Iron Lady

By Raheem Kassam

Margaret Thatcher, who became prime minister in 1979 and won three successive elections, has passed away today. 

The 8th of April, 2013, will no doubt be etched into the mind of all those involved in politics, and indeed many who are not. 

Thatcher's achievements were no small feat. She herself once declared that she thought in her lifetime, Britain would not see a female prime minister. 

And yet the lady bucked that prediction herself. Becoming an MP, fighting for the control of her party, and retaining control during some of the most trying years Britain had seen since the World War II.

In 1982, Thatcher led Britain to repel an attack on British sovreign territory, the Falkland Islands. 

Thatcher was the target of an IRA terrorist attack in 1984. An attack that killed five and injured 31. She survived, going on to win a third election, and declaring that "all attempts to destroy democracy by terrorism will fail."

With Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher helped see off the Soviet threat. She embraced the Soviet description of her as the Iron Lady, and contributed vastly to obtaining freedom for many around the world, especially in former Soviet satellite states.

But Thatcher's time in office was not without domestic disruption. Her policies were largely unpopular with the left-wing establishment in Britain and she has since remained a figure which often divides political discussions. From the poll tax to her own, internal party disruptions, Thatcher was no stranger to controversy.

Lady Thatcher was a woman who inspired millions, by championing liberty, uplifting people from poverty, and defending her country as no one has had to do since the Second World War. 

In life, she was a towering figure who terrified her opponents. In death, she will only ever become more so. 

Rest in peace, Lady Thatcher.

Article originally appeared on The Commentator.