President Obama's State of the Union Address: Just What We Needed to Hear

By Lawrence Sampson

In a rousing, enthusiastic, and at times forceful address before a joint session of Congress, President Barack Obama outlined his intention to solidify America’s standing economically as well in the areas of education and technology development. Announcing a wide range of initiatives designed to appeal to both sides of the aisle, the Commander in Chief pledged to increase oil and natural gas development, to safeguard against the rising cost of higher education, and spur technology and green energy projects. Without shrinking from the toughest issues, the address was exactly what America needed to hear.

Beginning and ending with poetic praise for the American military and individuals in uniform, the president challenged Americans to approach our common challenges the same way fighting men and women do, caring for the person next to them and the unit as a whole. Relying on his noted ability to deliver soaring rhetoric, Obama was interrupted repeatedly with standing ovations and vocal shouts of approval.

Congress was called upon over and over to give the president the tools he needed to help Americans advance initiatives with fewer regulations, common sense, and financial commitment. Specifically he suggested using half of the savings from the ending wars overseas to pay down the national debt, and earmarking the other half of savings for national work programs aimed at rebuilding the country’s infrastructure.

Despite criticism of the address by Mitt Romney hours before it was even given, and in spite of two Republican congressmen who refused to even attend, the president challenged the legislative branch to find common ground and think of country first. Time and again applause came from both parties indicating the uniting tone of the presidential address.

Pledging to "oppose obstruction with action," President Barack Obama delivered one of the most inspiring, comprehensive, and sensible State of the Union Addresses in recent memory. Touching on populist ideas such as income disparity and tax code inequity, the address laid out a clear road map for the future. Wrapping many of his initiatives in a call to create "an economy built to last”, the president’s wide range of ideas relied upon not only on our highest ideals but our shared sense of values.

Photo Credit: wstera