Ladies: If You're Having Painful Orgasms, It May Be Because Of Your Birth Control
Have you or your partner experienced pain under the sheets? Birth control might be causing it.
A new study conducted by head researcher Dr. Nirit Rosenblum, an assistant professor of urology at NYU Langone Medical Center, shows an intriguing correlation between the use of low-dose birth control and pelvic pain during orgasms.
Rosenblum used a sample of nearly 1000 women between the aged of 19-39. She "compared pain levels of women on low-dose birth control pills with women on regular birth control pills, as well as women who weren’t on hormonal birth control pills." What she found was a clear correlation between pelvic pain and low-dose contraceptive use.
Blisstree reports that "the study found that 27% of women on a low-dose pill had pelvic pain compared to 17.5% of women who were not on the pill. Those who were on standard-dose pills were less likely overall to have pelvic pain than women who were either on a low-dose pill or not on the pill at all. In terms of pain associated with sex, women on the low-dose pill were twice as likely to report pain during or after orgasm."
Although these are meaningful findings, Stanford Medical School Dr. Christopher Payne, is not convinced this is evidence of causation. He told Blisstree that "You can only say there is an association [between the low-dose pills and pelvic pain]. You can’t say it’s cause and effect."