'How I Met Your Mother' Season 8 Finale: Will Mother Be Revealed?
Monday night is going to be … Legend!
Wait for it …
This is the last episode of the eighth season for How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM). Eight long seasons we have awaited for the secret of Ted’s wife and his children’s mother. Monday night, we mightfinally meet his wife/the children’s mother.
For those of you who don’t know the show, it follows the life of Ted Mosby, an architect in New York City and his four other friends, Barney Stinson, Robin Scherbatsky, Marshall Eriksen, and Lily Aldrin. The show is set in the year 2030 with his two children, a boy and a girl, where he recalls the story of how he met their mother. He goes into excruciatingly detailed stories about his friends' lives, his love life, and some mundane and awesome details.
Season eight has given us some notable moments, like Marvin’s Lullaby and the autumn of break ups and new rules to abide by such as the “Lobster rule,” We have seen Barney break up with Quinn, Ted break up with Victoria and Robin break up with Nick. Relationships have matured and ended. The best moment in the season was “The Robin,” the last play in the playbook.
One thing that has been plaguing me throughout the last few episodes is the doubt that Robin has about Barney’s commitment. He has changed greatly, but is it enough for Robin? Ted has warned Barney to be more committed to Robin and not let her go and Robin has voiced her concerns about Barney, especially in the last episode. Ted and Robin share an intimate moment when she tries to find her locket.
Will Ted be able to sacrifice his love for Robin in happiness of Barney and Robin? Will we finally meet the mother? Will Barney and Robin get married?
Only time will tell tonight at 8/7 CT.