Feminist Weekly: Graduates, Start Your Commencing
Editor's Note: Every Thursday, I'll be rounding up my favorite pieces from the past week so that PolicyMic Pundits can more easily read and comment on the great content being written about sex, sexuality, gender, and race in politics and culture, in addition to updates from our community and GIFs galore! You can subscribe to get updates delivered straight to your inbox.
Graduation season has officially commenced.
As millions of millennials matriculate (or consider going back to school), PolicyMic will hold a week-long discussion on social justice and higher education next week, 5/19 – 5/25. Got an idea for a piece? Know someone you think should weigh in? Want to hear from a particular politician, activist, celebrity, academic, or professional? Email me with your suggestions: sam@policymic.com.
I’ve been incredibly delinquent in organizing the New York PolicyMic Social Justice Writers monthly happy hours. My bad! It’s not because I don’t love you all, I promise. I’m pleased to announce that we will hold the next happy hour on Friday, 6/14, at 6:30 PM, location TBD. Mark your calendars, and expect an email reminder in early June.
Updates From Our Pundits:
Julianne Ross’s piece “9 Famous Books Wrongly Accused Of Being Pornographic” was retweeted by none other than Margaret Atwood.
After her success with #EducateCoaches, Carmen Rios speaks with Jaclyn Friedman for her weekly podcast. Carmen’s most recent piece on the importance of feminist activism to ending rape culture got picked up by Feministing. Check it out!
What did you do last week? I’ll share any outstanding writing achievements in our community, and highlight the great work that all of our Pundits do offline as well. If you have anything you’d like for me to include about yourself or a fellow PM writer, please send it along!
As always, help us continue to grow our section by sharing our call for new writers! Recommend any friends or colleagues who you think would be interested.
Highlights From Last Week:
3 Ways Warren Buffett Can Continue to “Lean In” and Fight For Women (Dan Baum, @danwbaum) — The renowned investor just took a stand for women's equality, but his company lags behind in terms of corporate diversity practices. These are a few ways he can keep on leaning in.
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