Oklahoma Tornado: Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Hints at Government Involvement
Noted conspiracy theorist, soothsayer of all things ridiculous, and radio host Alex Jones has come out with the baseless and insensitive claim that the U.S. government "can create and steer groups of tornadoes." During The Alex Jones Show on Tuesday, the day after a devastating tornado swept through Moore, Oklahoma, killing at least 24 people, Jones responded to a caller who was asking about weather modification by the government by saying, via a lengthy tangent, that while he didn't know if the Oklahoma tornado "was a weather weapon or not," the government can, and does, influence the weather.
With the caveat that "natural tornadoes do exist," Jones then goes on to say that the possibility of government involvement in the Moore tornado apparently hinges upon whether people saw helicopters and small aircraft "in and around the clouds, spraying and doing things." Such vague and ridiculous "evidence" would apparently be enough to conclude that the government was involved. As Jones continues, "if you saw that, you better bet your bottom dollar they did this," before adding, "but who knows if they did."
Sure one can criticize the government, and there are plenty of things that the Obama administration can be legitimately criticized about, but this is just ridiculous. Moreover, it is incredibly insensitive to make such remarks as people in Oklahoma are still struggling to come to terms with and recover from the devastation wrought by the tornado.
This kind of claim is not surprisingly coming from Jones (who recently claimed that the U.S. government was the "prime suspect" in the Boston bombings), but seriously, have some respect and give it a rest for once.