Hillary Clinton Says She Wants to See a Woman President In Her Lifetime. Who Will It Be?!?!
Hillary Clinton, appearing at a women-themed convention at the Metro Toronto Convention Center, gave the world yet another hint that the wildly popular former secretary of state might…just might…be considering a 2016 presidential run.
Please, Jesus.
“Let me say this,” Clinton began, continuing the unending and unbearable tease that is her political ambitions. “Hypothetically speaking, I really do hope that we have a woman president in my lifetime. And whether it’s next time or the next time after that, it really depends on women stepping up and subjecting themselves to the political process, which is very difficult.”
She then quoted a frequently cited mentor of hers, former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, who noted that women in politics need “to grow skin as thick as a rhinoceros.” She noted that America seems ready for a female commander-in-chief, following the historic election of President Barack Obama, the first ever African American president.
Perhaps the best poised potential candidate in recent history, Clinton seems to be enjoying the luxury of a sea of political supporters just waiting to toss their dollars at her campaign for the White House (not to mention a few who’ve already started). She is routinely seen as a clear favorite for 2016, both among potential Democratic and Republican candidates, and would almost definitely win her party’s nomination should she throw her hat in the race.
A fresh round of rumors sparked up following her keynote address at the 2013 Women in the World summit, her first public speaking engagement since leaving office in February of this year. Even her new Twitter account got some talking, with its tantalizing “TBD…” at the end of an already impressive bio.
“So you have to step up. You have to dare to compete, you have to get into the process. The country, our country, has to take that leap of faith … And I hope that we will see a woman elected, because I think it would send exactly the right historic signal for girls, women, as well as boys and men.” Clinton has long been a champion for the rights of women and children around the world, a personal and political priority that she calls “the great unfinished business of this century.”
So I guess we’ll all just have to wait a little longer, as she makes up her mind and maybe publishes a memoir or two. And perhaps after decades of public service she’s earned a little time out of the spotlight, and perhaps out of those immaculate razor-crisp pantsuits. But she sits in the ultimate political sweet spot, with near-ubiquitous name recognition, celebrity status, sky-high approval ratings, and half the country clamoring for more. We’ll just have to wait a little longer to see what she plans to do with it all.
“And I will certainly vote for the right woman to be president,” she concluded to cheers. As will we.