Check Out Michelle Obama's Very Moving Instagram Debut
On Wednesday, the First Lady created an instagram account with the user name @michelleobama. In case you were still unconvinced, @Michelleobama's membership proves that Instagram is officially the coolest app on the planet. Michelle already created a Twitter account last January on her 49th birthday, but now she will take her social media presence to a new level. We already love Michelle and her awesome style, and we're confident she'll be just as stunning behind a filter.
The First Lady amassed more than 8,500 followers within her first 24 hours on instagram, but as expected, she is extremely exclusive and follows only one account: @whitehouse. MObama posted her first photo around 7:30 am on June 27 from across the world, offering the caption, "My first instagram! So inspired and so impressed by these extraordinary young women.- mo #FLOTUSinAfrica."
We wonder which filter Michelle selected to christen her first Instagram. It's always such a tough decision. My best guess is Nashville ...or maybe Valencia.
Soon after she posted her first photo, our favorite First Lady took advantage of Instagram's new video feature, uploading a short clip of about a dozen female students performing a "welcome ceremony at MLK Middle School in Dakar, Africa." The Obama's traveled to Dakar as part of their Africa trip, which they planned "to highlight the continent’s strivings for democracy and well-being," according to the New York Times.
Hopefully there will be many more Instagrams to come from @Michelleobama over the course of her trip and beyond, offering an exclusive look into life in the White House.