Feminist Weekly: Before You Go to Feminist Summer Camp, Catch Up On Your Reading!
Editor's Note: Every Thursday, I'll be rounding up my favorite pieces from the past week so that PolicyMic Pundits can more easily read and comment on the great content being written about sex, sexuality, gender, and race in politics and culture, in addition to updates from our community and GIFs galore! You can subscribe to get updates delivered straight to your inbox.
Highlights This Week:
It's getting hot, hot, hot.
As temperatures around the nation heat up, PolicyMic will host a special week-long discussion on climate change between 7/21 - 7/27. You can learn more about what we’re looking for here. Tweet our call for submissions, share it, email it, shout it from the rooftops, include more Captain Planet GIFs — whatever you feel is best. Do you have ideas for topic areas we should cover, or people we should invite to the discussion? Let me know on Twitter: @sameier12
ICYMI: PolicyMic will be rolling out a new Mic system soon. What do you think of our plans? What can we do better? Let Chris Altchek and the dev team know: @caltchek
Updates From Our Pundits:
The Atlantic Wire explains why the New York Public Library is being sued, and cites Jewelyn Cosgrove's PolicyMic article which “stressed the importance of "preserv[ing] the very nature of public use libraries." Congrats, Jewelyn!
Rachel Grate thinks Cosmo is becoming a more feminist magazine. Cosmo editor Joanna Coles agrees.
Salon picked up Brittany Oliver's piece, “6 Most Influential Women Writers You’ve Never Heard Of.” (And Random House Tweeted it!) May their work be more widely read now.
Miss Representation shared Saudi Garcia’s celebration of the 41st anniversary of Title IX on Twitter.
Happy to see that an old piece of mine criticizing the Daily Mail for its repugnant coverage of street harassment may no longer be necessary.
What did you do last week? I’ll share any outstanding writing achievements in our community, and highlight the great work that all of our Pundits do offline as well. If you have anything you’d like for me to include about yourself or a fellow PM writer, please send it along!
As always, help us continue to grow our section by sharing our call for new writers! Recommend any friends or colleagues who you think would be interested.
Must Reads From Last Week:
Just Wait For the Conservative Reaction to Same-Sex Divorce (Steven Romeo,@romancingromeo) — Many effects of the DOMA ruling, like what will become of divorced same-sex couples, remain unclear.
Thanks for reading! Please encourage friends to subscribe here. Send me your feedback, give me a tip for what I should be reading, and tell me how I can do better: sam@policymic.com.
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