Top 3 Issues Occupy Wall Street Should Focus On
For months, I have been critical of the OWS movement. Frankly, I do not believe the movement has accomplished anything of substance, and it has little chance to be an effective force in today’s political and social environment in its current form. I believe the confrontational attitude of the members, coupled with a lack of purpose and clear objectives, are the principal inhibitors. I am totally unmoved by the pervading sentiment that OWS must be combative, anti-social and anti-U.S. to achieve its destiny.
But, all my negativity represents a “glass is half empty’ perspective. I will offer a list of three issues, from a multitude of possibilities, which if adopted by OWS will dramatically increase the support it receives from Americans across the country.
1) Campaign Reform
The money race is in full throttle. Obama is spending an inordinate amount of time travelling around the country building his war chest for his impending attack on a GOP opponent. Some say, his state hopping, which is mostly paid for with our tax dollars, is not for presidential duties and his campaign should be flipping the bills.
The GOP candidates are also busy in their efforts to tear each other apart using individual and corporate financed attack ads. Gingrich’s Las Vegas sugar daddy, Sheldon Adelson, has already turned the party upside down by giving money to his boy for these ads. That one man could impact a national political party to this extent is mind-boggling.
We must have campaign reform in the country and put a stop to attack ads paid for by wealthy interlopers, corporations and Super PACs. Obama promised to make progress on this issue, but decided to go for the gold in “self defense.”
2) Corporate Influence in Government
As in biblical times, we need to drive out the lobbyists from Washington. They wield too much power and influence over the operation of our government. Lobbyists should not be able to step onto any federal property, and our politicians and their aides should not be able to speak with them by phone from their presidential and congressional offices.
3) Anti-War
Bring our brave soldiers home right now. No more excuses, no more deaths, no more expenses, no more long-term advisors. This type of protest was remarkably successful in the 1960s and the 1970s. Why is the U.S. still occupying other nations in wars that have lasted longer than the Vietnam War? Have we learned nothing from all of these hapless adventures?
I will support the OWS effort if they adopt an agenda as outlined, or one similar to it. OWS can be a powerful force driven by young people, but all of us old timers need to see a plan before we jump on the bandwagon.
Photo Credits: Wikimedia Commons