'Million Hoodie' March For Trayvon Martin In Union Square, Emotions Run High (in photos)
Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old African American teenager carrying Skittles and an iced tea, was chased, confronted, then fatally shot in Sanford, Florida, late last month by George Zimmerman, a 28-year-old Latino college student who was the captain of the local neighborhood watch. After initial questioning, Zimmerman was released without charges.
Though the incident took place in February, in recent days the case has exploded over social media and through a Change.org petition. Despite two ongoing investigations by the U.S. Department of Justice and Florida's state attorney, outrage across the country continues to grow daily.
Martin’s murder inspired a call for a "Million Hoodie March" in New York City Wednesday in Union Square. The event's organizer, Daniel Maree, is a digital strategist based in New York, who says he's "outraged" at the events that transpired and sought to take action on United Nation's International Day For the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, to "show solidarity."
The parents of Martin, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, attended the NYC event.
More protests were slated Wednesday in Orlando and Miami. Another major rally expected Thursday night in Sanford, Florida.
Below are pictures from the Million Hoodie March.
Protesters Gathered in Union Square
NYPD Was Always Present
The Protest Gained Steam As It Left Union Square
Incredible To See So Many Mobilize In New York
Occupy Protestors Took Part
The Protesters Were More Divers Than The OWS Marches
Marchers Crowded the Popular Union Square
The Protests Started Peacfully
And Had A Very Diverse Turn Out
Police Presence Was Heavy
The Night Ended With a Scuffle Between Police And OWS Protesters