Shocking Videos Show Texas Cops Performing Illegal Body Cavity Searches On Women
Disturbing images and viral videos of body cavity searches on women are sweeping Texas. The first search was conducted on Angel Dobbs, 38, and her niece Ashley Dobbs, 24 from Irving, Texas after being pulled over for throwing a cigarette out the window. They were accused of possession of marijuana, although there was no evidence found.
According to Daily Mail UK, "They claim the trooper used the same blue latex gloves while searching both of them."
Watch the shocking video below:
Less than 6 weeks later, Alexandria Randle and Brandy Hamilton were forced to undergo an illegal body cavity search because they were accused of possessing marijuana after being pulled over for speeding on their way back to their hometown, Houston. Seriously, a roadside sexual assault session must be inducted for presumably having some pot?
After the female state trooper, Jennie Bui, searches the women's genitals, DPS trooper Nathaniel Turner appallingly states:
"Don't smoke weed in your car and you won't have to go through this."
He makes this comment after watching these women sob through such a humiliating experience. Two lawsuits are already in place against the Texas State Troopers and the Department of Public Safety for conducting roadside cavity searches for illegitimate reasons.
These women were publicly humiliated and badgered by officers performing illegal and shocking procedures. Texas already has a bad reputation for mistreating and marginalizing women; these incidents further exacerbate the problem. It should never be socially or legally acceptable to perform roadside cavity searches given the humiliating and harassing nature of the procedure.
In both cases, these officers should be fired and the department should compensate all parties subjected to roadside cavity searches, while implementing a training program for police departments statewide.
These women have been subjected to unconstitutional bodily screening for petty reasons. As seen on Raw Story, Dallas attorney and former police officer Peter Schulte told the New York Daily News:
"It's ridiculous. We would never put our hands anywhere near someone's private parts … When I saw that video I was shocked. I was a law enforcement officer for 16 years and I've never seen anything like it."
Schulte further states:
"I think the Department of Public Safety is trying to figure out who in the world trained these troopers to think that this is OK. The law just doesn't support that. It just doesn't."
The Department of Public Safety hasn't said much about these cases, and even ignored prior complaints made by the women. Although the officers involved have been fired and suspended from the police force, trust in the state authorities has been harshly repudiated.
As a society, we must believe that the legal system exists to protect and serve its people and state, not psychologically and physically damage its citizens. Cavity searches carried on in this manner are unconstitutional and a violation of civil rights; these full body searches only damage our trust of state authorities.