Top 10 #ObamaEatsDog Puns (Not Suitable For Dog Lovers)


As it turns out, Mitt Romney is not the only presidential candidate with a dog problem

As reported by The Daily Caller, President Obama admitted in chapter two of his 1995 bestselling memoir Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance to having eaten canine meat as a child in Indonesia in company of Lolo, his stepfather.

Here’s the actual quote:

“With Lolo, I learned how to eat small green chill peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy). Like many Indonesians, Lolo followed a brand of Islam that could make room for the remnants of more ancient animist and Hindu faiths. He explained that a man took on the powers of whatever he ate: One day soon, he promised, he would bring home a piece of tiger meat for us to share.”

The revelation unleashed a furious and instantaneous Twitter firestorm that promises to spread for days to come into cable news, traditional media and – of course – late night comedy shows. It also proves the boomerang-like nature of new and social media by showing how pushing a story as obscure as the 1983 Romney vacation in which Seamus, Mitt's Irish settler, was tied to Willard’s car roof for a 12-hour Ontario road trip, can backfire as fueled by the ubiquitous, instantaneous and accessible nature of online memes. 

The episode comes on the heels of Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen’s attacks on SAHM Ann Romney who apparently can’t relate to the struggles of everyday WOHMs because – according to Rosen – “she hasn’t worked a day in her life,” a poorly worded statement by a seasoned and experienced political consultant which is pivoting a carefully harvested gender narrative dubbed "The Republican War on Women" away from Democrats and in favor of the GOP (who would have thought Rush Limbaugh?).

And now that the Secret Service has its hands full with the Colombian prostitution scandal (no pun intended), they might have to add yet an extra responsibility: protecting Bo the White House Portuguese Water Dog.

Here are the Top 10 Twitter “Obama Eats Dog” Recipes:


Jennifer Weber @JennyPennifer #ObamaDogRecipes Hound Cake 18 Apr 12 Reply Retweet Favorite

Lori @chiggers9 English Bulldog Muffins #ObamaDogRecipes 18 Apr 12 Reply Retweet Favorite

junebug @buszero #ObamaDogRecipes German Shepherd Pie 18 Apr 12 Reply Retweet Favorite

wiserbud @WiserMeany Pooched Eggs #ObamaDogRecipes 18 Apr 12 Reply Retweet Favorite

Rick Moore @RickMoore Quarter Pounder with Fleas #ObamaDogRecipes #fastfood 18 Apr 12 Reply Retweet Favorite






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