Forget Mitt Romney and Barack Obama: David Walker Should Be America's Next President

By Ryan Schoenike

So far this election cycle, we have seen “the war on religion” and “the war on women” unfold in the media, as both political parties rile up their respective bases and distract the public from the crucial challenges facing our country. But the real war going on is the war against our future, which is being waged by leaders in Washington who care more about winning the next election than solving problems facing the next generation.

Most alarmingly, our country’s fiscal condition remains on an unsustainable path. If we don’t change course, we will be headed toward a certain economic crisis. Former Chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff Mike Mullin has called this issue “our greatest national security risk.” However, as we saw last summer, Democrats and Republicans would rather kick the can down the road and watch our credit rating be lowered than work together to enact sensible reforms to reduce short-term budget deficits and address our long-term unfunded entitlement programs. 

It is clear that we simply cannot afford more politics as usual, precisely what both parties are offering. We need someone that can change the conversation –– an independent presidential candidate who can offer truth and leadership to get to the solutions our country needs. At the very least, this candidate could help awaken the public to the dangers that lie ahead if we do nothing – just as Ross Perot did twenty years ago.

Draft David Walker For President

David Walker, the former Comptroller General of the United States, is uniquely suited to be that candidate. He is a political independent who tells the facts and outlines the tough choices that need to be made. His 30-year record of proven leadership spans the non-profit, public and private sectors. He currently serves as the CEO of the Comeback America Initiative, which serves to “promote fiscal responsibility and sustainability by engaging the public and assisting key policymakers on a non-partisan basis in order to achieve solutions to America’s fiscal imbalances.” In essence, he is a modern day, more mainstream (and main street) Ross Perot.

Mr. Walker’s candidacy would give voice to the millions of Americans who feel alienated by today’s bipolar politics and want our government to key sustainability issues that threaten our future. Mr. Walker’s focus on fiscal responsibility, government transformation and political reform would ensure a more substantive and more relevant national debate.  He would force the candidates to offer specific solutions rather than broad statements.

Mr. Walker’s candidacy can be realized through the Americans Elect online convention, whereby voters will be able to directly nominate a third ticket for president and vice president who will be on the ballot in all 50 states. One simply needs to go to and click “support” on Mr. Walker’s profile page. At least 10,000 voters need to do so by May 15th in order to qualify Mr. Walker for the Americans Elect convention. 

Will Mr. Walker run if successfully drafted? We think so. As a citizen patriot, he has always done what is in the best interest of his country. And the country could really use him in this year’s presidential election. Of course, some worry that Mr. Walker might play the role of spoiler for one side or the other. But what should be more concerning is if we do nothing. The status quo is simply an unaffordable and unsustainable option. Someone needs to shake things up and rally the public to pressure our leaders to act.

So let’s get Walker running. Regardless of the outcome of the race, having David Walker in the campaign will force the Obama and Romney campaigns to respond on a litany of issues pivotal to the future of our country that they seem perfectly happy ignoring otherwise. Please visit to join us in this effort.

Yoni Gruskin is a founder and Executive Director of Concerned Youth of America, a non-profit organization created to educate young Americans about the national debt and its implications for the future. Ryan Schoenike is co-founder of, an organization dedicated to creating a dialogue between young Americans and policymakers. The two authors are co-chairs of the Committee to Get Walker Running.