Why This Ron Paul Supporter Won't Be Voting For Ron Paul

By Harold Burbank

Tuesday is Connecticut's Republican Primary. You would hardly notice here. There are almost no Republican signs on the lawns of my town of Canton — population about 9,000 — an upper-middle class backwater in the middle of the state, in the heart of a region traditionally associated with rock ribbed Yankee Republicanism, but over time encroached upon and sometimes “deluded” into voting for Democrats, thanks to scores of 30-somethings who have moved here from urban areas or for that next job on the defense, insurance, or banking industry ladder. But there is no Republican fanfare here today. Neither contenders Mitt Romney or Rep. Ron Paul have come to Hartford, our capital, only 12 short miles away, let alone Canton, to peak interest, raise awareness, or even to raise money. 

As a Green Party member supporting and planning to vote for Ron Paul for president this year, mainly for his anti-war platform and his fiscal policy, I am shocked that I have missed the deadline to register for today's Republican primary, where I wanted to vote for Paul in the primaries, so little publicity has been generated here by any candidate about today's election. 

Yes, I hold myself accountable. I did not look up today's primary schedule. I did not call Ron Paul's headquarters to check the date, nor did I call the town clerk for registration deadlines. I had promised my friend Ralph Nader that I would be making this vote. Ralph had appeared with Paul in the media in recent months to extol Ron's virtues (though so far as I know Ralph will not be voting for Ron). 

So I am damned without excuse or exception. But, the facts are that our TV and radio airwaves, which I hear each day, to my knowledge have not preached one word about this primary. I have seen no ads for programs about it anywhere, let alone programs themselves. No ruddy cheeked volunteers have appeared at my door. No calls have reached my phone (and I am on Paul's list serve). And therefore for all I know, no one will be voting for anyone anywhere in my town or state today.  

Sorry Ron.  I will have to catch up with you in November.