The History Of the World, Told In Instagram

Have you ever wondered what world leaders' selifies would look like? What about travel photos by the greatest explorers to walk the Earth and moon?
That's what Histagrams is for. The entertaining site (which is, ironically, a Tumblr) envisions history, and the conversations surrounding it, through cell phone snapshots. Gawk at Charles Darwin's formidable beard, take a sneak peek into Saddam Hussein's new digs, and celebrate Rosa Parks telling the world #idgaf.
Here are 20 of history's most memorable moments, told in Instagram.
1. Bill Clinton
#EasyA #StarrReport
2. Christopher Columbus
Imagine Columbus' increasingly terrible food photography as the voyage went on.
3. Abe Lincoln
Low blow, B00th. Low blow.
4. Ben Franklin
He f$%*ing loved science.
5. Charles Darwin
Movember isn't a competition, but if it was, Darwin would win.
6. Albert Einstein
I would have followed Einstein's Instagram for the hairstyle tips alone.
7. Neil Armstrong
Just Astronaut Things
8. John Hancock
The original tagger.
9. Hannibal
What, no baby elephant pics?
10. Jesus H. Christ
In the words of our lord and savior: LOL, *BRB*
11. Muhammad Ali
12. Marilyn Monroe
JFK also kept hitting her up on Tinder.
13. Napoleon Bonaparte
Able was he, ere he saw Kamchatka.
14. Sir Isaac Newton
For some reason, I thought it would be bigger.
15. Saddam Hussein
16. Stone Age Man
The Lascaux Caves' first Banksy.
17. Private Ryan
Normandy Beach Party!
18. Seal Team Six
Does night vision count as a filter?
19. Tyrannosaurus Rex
Now that's how you smile without duckface.
20. God
Hey, everybody has to start somewhere.