Audition Tapes From 8 Famous Actors Who Were Almost Cast in 'The Office'

It's hard to imagine anyone else playing The Office's beloved characters, but newly released audition footage reveals that some surprising famous faces were once hoping for a spot on the show.
Watching these tapes isn't just nostalgia inducing. It's also a reminder of all the little quirks that actors like Rainn Wilson brought to the show to make their roles so iconic. This must be how it felt for the Brits when seeing Americanized versions of their characters for the first time.
Watch the video to see what could have been. A full breakdown of who auditioned for what is below.
1. Seth Rogen for Dwight
Went on to apologize for sweating on Katherine Heigl in Knocked Up.
2. Bob Odenkirk for Michael
Saul Goodman could've been Michael Scott.
3. Judah Friedlander for Dwight
Now best known for playing trucker-hatted writer/Patti LuPone's son, Frank Rossitano, on 30 Rock.
4. Eric Stonestreet for Kevin
Now one-half of an adorable and almost entirely chaste gay couple on Modern Family.
5. Kathryn Hahn for Pam
Hahn played big-time campaign manager Jennifer Barkley on Parks and Recreation, and had a recurring role on Girls. She plays Ben Stiller's sister in the upcoming The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.
6. Patton Oswalt for Dwight
Went on to give the most epic filibuster about Star Wars you will ever hear, guaranteed.
7. John Cho for Jim
Harold recently appeared as Hikaru Sulu in J.J. Abram's Star Trek and had his head nearly snapped off his body in Sleep Hollow.
8. Adam Scott for Jim
Viewed in light of John Krasinski's audition, Scott's humor seems too dry for Jim. We're also glad this didn't work out because we might have missed out on the most adorable wedding in TV history.