Miley Cyrus' New 'Adore You' Video is About As NSFW As They Come

Hey guys, there's a new, leaked Miley Cyrus sex tape! Oh wait, nope, that's just her new music video for "Adore You," the third single off her Bangerz album. Understandable mistake.
During the video's four and a half minutes, Miley writhes around on a bed under billowy sheets while wearing nothing but a bra and panties, before eventually moving to a bathtub and donning a fishnet bodysuit. The whole time Miley looks like she's just seconds away from, well, masturbating. Plus, the occasional appearances of a hand-held video camera and its grainy point-of-view add a delightful touch of depraved, bottomed-out, garbage porn.
Check it out for yourself:
The video was actually leaked a day early (oh no!), inspiring Cyrus to take to Twitter to express her "outrage."
Based on the evolution of her latest string of videos, it shouldn't be too surprising that Miley decided to go all-out with "Adore You." But the more she pushes the limits of risqué apparel and sexualization, the further she gets from anything resembling actual art. It's not as though she's only doing this to make a statement; she knows that such a "controversial" video will attract more viewers and listeners, thereby increasing her sales and making her more money — in short, sex sells.
But besides the "wow-OMG-LOL" factor of "Adore You," it's not really much of a music video, and I wouldn't be surprised if Miley knew that herself. (Maybe that's why she felt the need to hype the video up herself with a few well-placed Instagram posts.)
But what did we really expect from Miley at this point? Gone are the days of a family-friendly Miley Cyrus, and now we have this. And while that might get her videos more views, Miley is running out of time before she's just making straight-up porn and the whole empire falls apart.