The 10 Hardest Working American Cities in 2013

Some New Yorkers have said, "If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere," but maybe it's time to change the tune ... and focus instead on Seattle.
New research conducted by Movoto Real Estate has ranked the country's 50 hardest working cities and some of the results might surprise you (New York City didn't make the top 10).
Movoto ranked America's 50 most populous cities using seven criteria: average hours worked per week, unemployment rate, commute time, employed workers per household, hours volunteered per year, lack of sleep, and cost of living.
A lot of the obvious cities are up there, but just like everything else in the Lone Star state, Texas made a big impact on the list snagging half of the top 10 cities.
Take a look at the top 10 below:
1. Seattle
Seattle ranked first in unemployment and fifth in volunteering — two of the best indicators for all-out effort.
2. Arlington, Texas
With the second highest number of hours worked per capita and ranked fourth in workers per household, Arlington is a true working town.
3. Fort Worth, Texas
Tied with Arlington for number of hours worked, Fort Worth also ranked sixth in lack of sleep, a good indicator of residents' sleepless nights with their noses to the grindstone.
4. Austin, Texas
With the sixth lowest unemployment rate, the fifth highest hours worked per capita, and the sixth most workers per capita, Austin easily sailed into the four spot with a well-rounded working résumé.
5. San Jose, Calif.
Although San Jose earned a meh unemployment rank (26th on the list), its No. 2 ranking of workers-per-household shot it right up on this lists' top 5.
6. San Francisco
San Fran's eighth-lowest unemployment rate and sixth-highest commute time are strong numbers, but it's the city's rank for highest cost of living that earned it the No. 6 spot on the list — if everything's more expensive, you'd better be working harder to afford it.
7. Dallas
Dallas residents are putting in the extra time with the second most hours worked on the list and the sixth most sleepless nights. Take a break every once in a while, D-Town.
8. Virginia Beach, Va.
Virgina Beach residents are hard at work with the sixth lowest unemployment and 12th highest cost of living in the country.
9. Washington, D.C.
Congress might not be working, but D.C. residents sure are. Ranked fifth highest cost of living and fourth highest commute time, D.C. residents pay a high price, but know it's worth it.
10. Houston
It's simple: Houstonians work the most hours in the week out of everyone in the country.