Ron Paul is Winning the Votes of Millennial Women, Here's Why


President Obama's re-election campaign hopes that women's votes may be obtained for the price of a packet of birth control pills, their minds inspired by student loan repayment limits, and hearts energized by allowing them to reset the statute of limitations for lawsuits over "fair pay." Meanwhile, Ron Paul's consistent, clear, and direct message is energizing younger voters, including women, across America.

Many voters may not be aware of just how much change Paul proposes. He has a goal of eliminating five federal departments (Energy, HUD, Commerce, Interior, and Education) and would cut $1 trillion in federal spending during his first year in office. Paul also plans to lower the corporate tax rate to 15%, end all foreign wars, and abolish taxes on inheritance and earnings on personal savings. Ron Paul also plans to audit the Federal Reserve and repeal Obamacare.

Iowa political science major Jacquelyne Cuddeback found she was not alone in being a young, liberal woman interested in Ron Paul's candidacy and small-government message. Harvard Institute of Politics conducted focus groups in Iowa showing that young men and women from both parties responded to Ron Paul's small government, greater personal freedom concepts.

Recent polling shows that even if Paul ran as a third-party candidate, he would get a respectable 13% of the vote, with President Obama receiving 39%. In a head-to-head matchup with the president among likely voters, Ron Paul and Obama both polled 42%.

Ron Paul is firmly pro-life, as an obstetrician who has delivered over 4,000 babies. To some, this stance might mean that women would not support his candidacy. However, recent events have shown that abortion and birth control are not the only issues upon which women determine their lives and votes. Longitudinal voting analyses show that anti-war sentiment and support for social program spending have directed the voting of most women over the past 50 years, not abortion. These studies can't account for today's economic crisis and government spending levels, which didn't exist during prior election cycles.

Younger women are willing to listen to Ron Paul based in his consistency and sincerity, and willing to think about the big changes he represents.