North Carolina Amendment 1 Sign is Shot At, Video Goes Viral
A video of a 17-year old North Carolina student shooting at an anti Amendment One sign, in what it looks like the backyard of his home, has gone viral prompting the Cabarrus County Sheriff’s Office to investigate the incident.
The young man, identified as Jonatan Alexander Wiles, is seen in the clip introducing himself as just “Alex Wiles” and the cameraman as “my buddy Chase” before talking about how North Carolina’s Amendment One (which was passed by voters) would keep marriage between one man and one woman, "the way it ought to be.”
Wiles then complains that someone had the “great idea” of putting an anti Amendment One sing near his house, grabbing then a rifle and shooting at the blue “vote against Amendment One on May 8” sign, and closing the video with the eerie “that’s how we do it around here” and “that’s all folks.”
So besides enduring a blow with the passing of a constitutional amendment that will effectively ban same sex marriages and civil unions, the LGBT community of North Carolina is being now threatened by what it will come down in history as the first viral gay-bullying episode.
But even more inconceivable was the response from the local authorities that, despite promising to investigate further with the potential of "pressing some charges," declared that Wiles’ conduct while “a very poor decision” doesn't represent “violent leanings."