The Trailer for Lindsay Lohan's Reality TV Series Will Make You Surprisingly Sympathetic

Oprah has some harsh words for Lindsay Lohan in the trailer for the new reality show about Lohan's life, debuting on OWN this Sunday.
"You need to cut the bullshit. You really do," Oprah tells the actress in the recently released trailer for Lindsay. But you get the sense, with all the cameras running, that most of the media hope the bullshit lasts a little longer.
At the trailer's opening, an ennui-filled Lohan philosophizes about sobriety and leaving the toxicity of LA: "There's nothing left in having a drink for me. What's left in that feeling? Nothing. There's no party that I haven't gone to. There's no person I haven't hung out with. There's no situation that I haven't, you know, been exposed to."
The show picks up where this train of thought leaves off, following Lohan as she moves back to New York in the hopes of starting with a clean(er) slate. As the trailer would have it, Lohan understands that this is her last shot — perhaps not at stardom, but at least at living a better life. Alas, it looks like that life begins falling apart pretty quickly.
Lohan has long been subject to media scrutiny, with the entertainment world endlessly fascinated by her many falls from grace (Lindsay was actually shot after the actress' sixth — yes, sixth — stint in rehab).
But it's hard not to have at least some sympathy for the troubled star after watching the trailer. Sure, she doesn't seem like the most selfless or responsible of people, but we need to remember that this woman has been in the spotlight since she was a kid, by all accounts has had a pretty horrendous homelife and has had much of the media rooting for her to self-combust for years. Oprah's benevolence may seem to be the saving grace of the show, but the truth is impossible to ignore: Without a real chance that Lindsay will fail — or at least not succeed until the very last possible moment — there is no drama, and as such no show at all. Even in her recovery, we're rooting for her to stay down.
Dealing with that pressure has clearly taken its toll. Lohan says, "It's good, good, good, good, good, and then there's that thing in my head where it's like, 'Oop, time to sabotage!'" Watching the trailer, it's easy to see that the saboteur isn't entirely imagined.
But she obviously has some demons, and at this point we just wish her the best. Though putting her troubles on display via a reality show is probably going to hurt before it helps, if anyone can straighten her out it's Oprah.