Hilarious Video Shows What Real Life Would Look Like If It Were Exactly Like Tinder

A common joke among aficionados of Tinder, the red-hot dating app, is that they've become addicted to swiping left. The fun derived from rejecting people's virtual profiles can be too irresistible to pass up. But have you ever wondered how real life would look if people actually swiped you to the left?
Danish filmmaker Rolf Glumsoe Nielson recently brought this daydream to life with a humorous — but also somewhat upsetting — viral video that highlights things some people may find problematic about Tinder.
On a smartphone, the act of "swiping" is harmelss and even fun. However, Nielson's real-life version literally throws rejected matches out of the frame in a violent dramatization of the judgmental gratification at the center of the dating app's appeal.
Image Credit: Tinder
With Beyonce's upbeat hit "To The Left" playing in the background, the video features a woman pushing men off the screen in quick, casual succession. She sometimes rejects many variants of the same man, a take on Tinder's feature that allows you to add multiple images of yourself.
The twist comes when this apparently picky dater finally settles on a man she finds attractive — and is rejected in turn.
Wildly popular among the über-connected Millennial generation, the world of Tinder has become so sophisticated that it's spawned its own set unwritten rules and cheat sheets — hints that will supposedly ensure you'll get swiped right. Advice includes warning you not to list your height or post "deep quotes" on your profile, whatever that means.
While funny in a kind of depressing way, the "Tinder in real life" video also makes a few interesting points about this new form of social media-driven dating. Essentially, the app takes the sting out of a more traditional meet in a bar. It's much easier to make a "hot or not" snap judgment when it's just a face on a screen. However, the app's capacity for superficiality and emphasis on external appearance is highlighted in Nielson's video. If your swiping led to a person flying out of the room, would your decisions be so ruthless?
Plus, you never get a second chance at a first impression. Tinder may work well for many, and it's definitely a proven tool for meeting people you don't know. But Nielson proves it may not be quite so imitable in reality.