#WorldsMostTalkedAboutCouple? The Internet Has Much Better Suggestions for Vogue

Dreams can come true — at least if you're Kim Kardashian.
For years the reality star has been famously denied a spot on Vogue's glossy cover. But with the April cover revealed, it appears the Kim Kardashian ban is no more.
The shoot was done by famed photog Annie Leibovitz, and Kardashian looks pretty good. But the cover also includes the hashtag #worldsmosttalkedaboutcouple, which is just begging to be mocked. The Internet has risen to the occasion.
While some agree with the choice...
Others were not pleased.
Some thought a more political love story was in order:
Some were aghast at the lack of McConaughey:
Some were hungry:
Some thought it really could have used more Kanye:
And also more puppies:
But mostly people were just confused:
Some may be crying that that this is the death of fashion, but Kanye has long been an advocate for placing his fiancée on the cover. He told Ryan Seacrest last October:
"There's no way Kim Kardashian shouldn't be on the cover of Vogue. She's like the most intriguing woman right now. She's got Barbara Walters calling her like every day. ... No one is looking at what [President Barack Obama] is wearing. Michelle Obama cannot Instagram a pic like what my girl Instagrammed the other day."
Kanye, I'ma let you finish, but Bey and Jay are the greatest power couple of all time.