California Primary Results: Ron Paul Supporters Remain Committed Despite Voter Ignorance

By John P. Slevin

It is impossible to see any actual excitement in today’s GOP primary.

Just look at the ballot, look at the preordained winners. Four different people have asked me in just the last couple days if they “should vote” at all. They figure since I work on campaigns I ought to know, or something like that; I never actually have figured out why anyone would ask me if they should vote. Why would anyone ask anyone?

Perhaps it is because for the entire year, the mainstream media has declared Mitt Romney the frontrunner, the presumptive Republican nominee. The media has called Romney anything other than what he really is: uninspiring, dull, scripted, and no different than President Obama.

Ron Paul certainly has engaged, certainly has caught fire with a devoted following. Today, however, in California AND elsewhere, he’ll get slaughtered again. That’s not his fault. It’s not my fault. It’s not the fault of all those Ron Paul supporters who have busted their tails.

It’s the fault of people strolling freely about and wondering if someone can tell them if they should vote … for whom they should vote. Today, once again, a majority of the voters walking out of the polling place won’t be able to name the incumbent members of Congress for whom they will most likely again cast their ballot.

There are no exciting television or radio commercials to report, not in the presidential race anyway.  There are two statewide propositions, one to clip smokers for another buck a pack and the other is a scam pretending to install even stricter term limits when in fact it’s doing just the opposite.

The cigarette initiative is a huge moneymaker for some political consultants, as tobacco companies and related entities in that industry are fighting it, as are smokers and anyone with half a brain.

Still, we’re talking voters, so you don’t measure by one full brain per person walking around and finding their way into polling places.

You’re dealing with the likes of people who not only supported both Gulf Wars, but elected George W. Bush, re-elected him, let him stay in office for the full two terms, then elected the next criminal, the current occupant of the White House. AND, they did it all in what they perceive to be their own best interest.

This is the same class of people who jabber about contrived issues (such as gay marriage – an issue which wouldn’t be an issue if people didn’t use government to poke their noses into the private activities of others).

When you are talking voters understand this:  a huge chunk of ‘em can’t walk and chew gum at the same time. Idiots rule. We get what we get. More people know who Snookie is than can name their member of Congress. Blame the voters. They are in charge.

For more, check out John Slevin's blog WinLiberty here.