Michele Bachmann Inspires True Blood, Halo 4, Mr. Rogers Remix: This Week in Pop Culture
It's slowly starting to feel like summertime and the pop stories are rolling in. This this week alone our little Miley Cyrus got engaged, more Zombie Apocalypse mayhem ensued, and The Dark Knight trailer blew our minds. Let's take a second and brush up on this week's greatest in pop. After that, just sit back and relax: it's time for the weekend.
My absolute favorite story of the week comes fully-loaded with childhood memories. PBS released a newly auto-tuned Mr. Rogers tribute video. The trippy, electro-pop remix of "Garden of Your Mind" celebrates the fabulous children's show Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood and reminds us to pay attention to the thing that mattered most when we were little: our imaginations. PBS plans to roll out several remixed videos featuring television stars of yore, in order to introduce them to the next generation.
If you are not planning to spend all weekend re-watching that video (like me) then may I suggest a little vampire fetishism? This Sunday night is True Blood season premiere night and if Sookie's love life isn't enough to make you tune in, then perhaps this little fact will: the show's creator Alan Ball says Michele Bachmann was the inspiration behind this season's religion-in-politics storyline.
I don't know about you, but movie news this week left me reeling (movie pun). First we got the new The Dark Knight Rises trailer:
Then the trailer to Quentin Tarantino movie Djano Unchained (ps Djano Unchained comes with the secret perk of being the second Leonardo DiCaprio movie ... after The Great Gatsby ... to open Christmas 2012).
And then today, Prometheus was released. Three gifts; one week.
If that's not enough. The casting for a new terrorists-take-over-the-white-house flick called White House Down sounds phenom. Channing Tatum as a secret service agent and this guy:
as president. That's Jamie Foxx btw.
Bonaroo was music's biggest story this week. Coachella's laid-back cousin, this hippie-fest is currently underway in Tennessee. For all those brave enough to face the festival scene you will be mightily rewarded with top-notch acts. Please report back on: Radiohead, Bon Iver, Santigold, The Beach Boys ... okay Bonaroo attendees I'm officially jealous.
Oh and Lady Gaga finished her new album. But this is all we know:
Haters make fun of country music all you want, but my love for it will never die. This past Wednesday were the 2012 CMT Music Awards. Everyone's favorite Carrie Underwood was the big 'Video of the Year' winner for her song 'Good Girl'.
Also, country star Luke Bryan was so excited after winning for his song 'I Don't Want This Night to End' that he threw his underwear into the audience. True story.
Not my realm of expertise, but I do know that gamers around the world were pumped about this week's annual Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3). The biggest annual exposition in the country, E3 debuted Halo 4, WiiU, God of War: Ascension, and a new game by the creators of South Park called South Park: The Stick of Truth. Full E3 coverage here.