Bill Murray Has the Best Idea Ever for the Cast of a New ‘Ghostbusters’ Sequel

The news: The idea of assembling an all-female cast for the next Ghostbusters movie has garnered some mixed reactions; both enthusiastic cheers and thinly veiled misogyny. But do you know who is a fan of the idea? Bill Murray.
Murray, who starred in the original two films alongside Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis, was asked Monday at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) how he felt about a female Ghostbusters sequel. His response: Bring it on.
"It sounds great to me. It sounds as good an idea as any other! There are a lot of women that could scare off any kind of vapor!" Murray told Access Hollywood. "No, it's a grand idea, I don't know who they're talking about, but it's a good idea, I would watch it! I mean, I love Robert Palmer's videos, so why wouldn't I love the female Ghostbusters?"
That's not all. Not only was Murray enthusiastic about the idea, but he also he had some casting suggestions for rumored director Paul Feig — including Melissa McCarthy, Feig's frequent collaborator and Murray's co-star in the TIFF-premiered St. Vincent.
"Melissa would be a spectacular Ghostbuster. And Kristen Wiig is so funny — God, she's funny!" Murray said. "I like this girl Linda Cardellini a lot. And Emma Stone is funny. There are some funny girls out there."
In case you're wondering, BuzzFeed put together a quick mash-up of what that would look like:
Given Murray's own reluctance to don the Ghostbuster uniform once more, along with original star Ramis' passing, it looks like it's time to take the beloved franchise in a new, fresh direction. And what's better than a group of talented, hilarious ladies?
How could you not want more of this?