Finally, a Dating Site Just for Potheads

The news: It seems like there are niche dating websites for every interest group, from book lovers and sci-fi geeks to equestrians and people who are gluten-free or STD-positive. And now, there are new sites that match partners based on their love for a certain recreational activity: smoking weed.
Enter sites like 420 Singles, which connects "420 friendly dating for singles who enjoy the freedom and benefits of Cannabis and or support it's legalization" and currently boasts around 23,000 members across the country, mostly on the West Coast. The site allows users to list how often they smoke and what kind of weed they prefer, helping them find other users with similar tastes.
And 420 Singles is not even the only weed-friendly dating site around. A similar site, called, launched this spring and has around 6,200 members already.
"There's a stereotype that pot smokers are lazy, isolated and lonely. They're not," Miguel Lozano, the website's founder, told Reuters. "They're the life of the party, they're often professionals and ambitious business people, and they make good partners."
Pot use is more mainstream than ever, but still has a way to go. While Judd Apatow movies and Snoop Lion songs may make it look like everyone is smoking weed, there remains a lot of misinformation and stigma surrounding marijuana use; in fact, users of pot-friendly dating sites said the chief reason for joining such sites was to avoid the "all-too-frequent shock and rejection on the dating circuit" for being stoners.
With the financial incentive of legalizing recreational marijuana, other states may soon follow Colorado and Washington's examples. But until pot use becomes a more socially and legally accepted activity in the U.S., these dating sites can provide safe places for weed lovers to meet and maybe blaze up together.