The Author of 'Go the F**K To Sleep' Is Releasing Another Perfect Book

Good news, crabby parents of the world: You'll soon have another book like the seminal classic Go the F**K to Sleep to add to your sassy, bedtime reading arsenal.
Author Adam Mansbach revealed that his latest work of genius, called You Have to F**king Eat, will be released Nov. 12. It tackles that grizzled, long-fought battle between parent and child: eating.
"Because it's such a fundamental thing — one of life's great joys, in fact — there's a particular frustration that comes with not being able to get your kid to eat," he told Mashable. "Trying to get a kid to put on her shoes might be crazy-making, but it's not quite the same as having her reject the basic concept of sustenance."
Like his first book in 2011, Mansbach's latest will be peppered with enough swearing for a sailor. Akashic Books, the Brooklyn-based independent publisher with whom Mansbach is working, describes it as "profane, loving and deeply cathartic."
We don't know precisely what arc the story will follow, but the publisher did provide a peek inside, and it brings us all the way back to our, uh, golden-hued childhoods:
Although the books are designed for parents, their message is near-universal. We were all children once, and we likely remember the hell we raised with our families. Mansbach taps into this brilliantly, if a little inappropriately.
With any luck, he'll continue his glorious reign as the literary king of fed-up parents, journeying all the way into adolescence and the college years. Twitter is already taking stabs at what those titles might be.
Fingers crossed that Samuel L. Jackson narrates every single one.
h/t PR Web