Ron Paul Refusal to Endorse Mitt Romney Proves He Stays True to His Word
On Wednesday, Dr. Ron Paul made his rounds across television's favorite puppet shows. He appeared in person on MSNBC and CNN and got plenty of airtime from closet groupie, Rachel Maddow. The interview on CNN was the most telling of the cycle. While Wolf Blitzer tried to get Paul to talk nicely about Mitt Romney, he was not having any of it.
Asked by Wolf if he ever plans to endorse Romney, Ron said, “No. Not ready. No way.” Well, it doesn’t get much more clear than that does it?
When asked to weigh in on U.S. military possibilities in Egypt and Syria, Paul said that “neo-conservatives are gleeful over (the prospect if intervention) and delighted because this is what they have been agitating for.”
Wolf inquired if he’d take a speaking spot at the convention and Ron said, “I would probably take care of the opportunity if I could give my speech.”
Wolf talked about the lawsuit by Paul supporters challenging the binding of delegates, to which Paul basically said he has no control over the delegates. He even said that he thinks the Convention is primed for some debate on the floor.
No matter what the outcome, I suspect that the days leading up to, including, and after the RNC are going to be better than any reality show the networks could come up with. One thing is for sure, Ron Paul looked re-energized for the summer battle that is upcoming.