Boy Gives the Perfect Reaction to White Guy's Comment During Ferguson Town Hall

PBS aired a town hall about race Friday featuring four hours of discussion in the wake of Michael Brown's shooting by police and the ensuing protests in Ferguson, Mo.
While there were plenty of thoughtful points made, it's hard to imagine a four-hour session on race in America sustaining itself without at least one really dumb comment. About 14 minutes in, our culprit was Ross Kaminsky, a columnist for the conservative American Spectator.
"Middle class white guys like me haven't lived the African American life," he began. A promising start! But the next two words — "that said" — signaled it was time for everyone to buckle their seatbelts.
"From what we see on the news, from what we read there seems to be a real dearth of leadership among African American young men especially in their neighborhoods," Kaminsky continued. "When you start going to this idea of 400 years of repression in a system that's still designed to hurt us and still designed to keep us down, that stars felling to me like racism against me just because of the color of my skin."
The boy sitting next to him didn't say a word, but his expression alone spoke volumes.
Kaminsky goes on to talk about how his ancestors came to America after the Civil War, which apparently means he can't benefit from white privilege. His point was refuted later on in the broadcast, but all you need to know you can tell from that kid's reaction.
You can watch the whole "America After Ferguson" special below. The magical moment starts right around the 14-minute mark.
h/t Mother Jones