Watch Trump get brutally booed at Game 5 of the World Series

Baseball might be America's favorite pastime, but after this weekend it might not be the American president's. On Sunday, President Trump and first lady Melania Trump attended Game 5 of the World Series in Washington, D.C., as the Houston Astros battled the Washington Nationals at Nationals Park. When the announcer informed the crowd that the Trumps were in attendance, they were booed heavily by the fans. It wasn't pretty:
CNN reported that initially there was some applause when the Trumps were announced, as part of a tribute to service members in attendance. The audience cheered for the troops when they were shown on the jumbotron, but when the image changed to feature Trump and the first lady, it changed audibly to boos, per CNN.
After the tribute was over and the booing subsided, some sections of the audience broke into a "Lock him up!" chant, perverting Trump's infamous "Lock her up!" cry which he encouraged at his 2016 rallies in reference to Hillary Clinton.
The Trumps, for their part, grinned gamely throughout the tribute. They were joined in their suite by several Republican lawmakers. Fox News reported that Astros owner Jim Crane greeted Donald and Melania Trump during the game, but that Nationals owner Mark Lerner and his family did not join the president in the stands.
While there's been a predictable display of schadenfreude among liberal circles, not all were impressed by the American public's hearty message of disapproval. Democratic Sen. Chris Coons (Del.) said Monday on CNN that he didn't appreciate the booing because "the office of the president deserves respect, even when the actions of our president don't." MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, a former Republican congressman who has become one of Trump's greatest critics, took issue with the "Lock him up!" chant specifically, saying, "If you think that democracy is strengthened by calling for the arrest of political opponents, you're as ignorant and illiberal as Trump himself."
Per a pool report, the Trumps left Nationals Park less than an hour after the booing. The Nationals went on to lose 7-1, giving the Astros a 3-2 lead in the series and the opportunity to close out the D.C. team Tuesday night. Trump has yet to tweet about the incident, perhaps clinging to this one bit of karma.