An absolute beginner's guide to BDSM

Curious about BDSM? Start with these expert tips on safely incorporating it into your relationship.

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Bondage, Discipline and Domination, Submission and Sadism, and Masochism — a sexual behavior that involves both pleasure and pain.


As we get less uptight about what sex between two consenting adults is supposed to be like, more of us are letting our kink flags fly.

Americans apparently engage in the BDSM lifestyle at a greater rate than any other people in the world. Most recently, our appreciation for films devoted to the topic that — whether an accurate depiction of the BDSM lifestyle or not — have domestically grossed over $380 million combined.

If you foster a fairly vanilla sex routine and want to start toying with BDSM, there are important tips to consider before appropriately and safely integrating it into your relationship.

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