Fewer words evoke more fear and anguish in the typical 9-to-5er than the phrase, “Monday morning.” At times, these two simple words – when uttered in quick succession – can seem like an insurmountable hill that stands between you and a productive, healthy work week. But the sooner you can get beyond this dreary obstacle, the sooner you can become the self-actualized person you were meant to be, with the power to change the world for the better or even more simply “to feel like a person.”

For the team at Mic, our morning spark starts with a fresh cup of hot coffee. That’s why we recently partnered with Laughing Man® Coffee, who’s fair trade certified and sustainably sourced coffee serves to empower and inspire. In this series, we will not only see where the beans that make Laughing Man® Coffee comes from, but we will meet the faces behind Laughing Man® Coffee and learn how the organization works to bolster different farming communities all over the globe.

The Many Lives of Laughing Man®

Spreading Success