North West's primal scream during Kanye West's fashion show is a 2020 mood

Kanye West and North West on the catwalk

On Monday, Kanye West hosted his latest Yeezy season 8 fashion show outdoors in Paris, following another Sunday Service in the city. Near the end of his presentation, Kanye’s six-year-old daughter, North, emerged with mic in hand. She started rapping as a number of models filed out behind her to wrap up the show.

Among her first lyrics: “This is cool, yeah,” “I will never do bad things,” “Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, walk to the streets, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, cool, cute, cool, yeah!” “What are those? These are clothes.” All said, not bad for her age, and not far off from peak Sleigh Bells-cadence. But the moment when her talents really shine through came right at the finish.

Kanye ran out to her onstage, and she just continued on rapping. Right at the end, she let out an earth-shattering scream, just about matching her father’s intensity on “I Am a God.” I have no doubt that some segment of this will be sampled in the next year, or that this is her A Star Is Born type moment should any music career materialize.

As these things go, a brief social media spat rang out between the parents of ZaZa, another toddler-turned-superstar, for North's apparent aping of the instrumental of her viral hit "What I Do?". Kim Kardashian West, ever the diplomat, quickly diffused the situation. "We love you, North is a huge fan and records in the studio all the time with her dad and is inspired by ZaZa and loves LayLay too," West wrote on Instagram.

It’s frankly reasonable to be over Kanye’s ethical and musical downturn, in the name of god and tax returns, but North’s at least channeling the national mood in some way. With budding fear and uncertainty over coronavirus, primary candidates dropping like flies ahead of Super Tuesday with unclear but probably harmful consequences, it has been an especially bad time to follow the news! I don’t think any of this weighs too heavily, if even at all on North (or to her parents if we’re being honest,) but I’m content to project any fears I have at the moment on this one perfect, blood-curdling scream.