Byron L. Dorgan

Byron L. Dorgan is a former United States Senator from North Dakota. Dorgan served 30 years in the U.S. Congress, spending the last 18 years in the U.S. Senate where he served as a senior member of the Senate Appropriations, Energy and Commerce Committees and Chairman of key subcommittees on Aviation, Energy and Water, and Indian issues. Dorgan is now a senior policy advisor for a Washington, D.C. law firm, senior fellow at the Bipartisan Policy Committee and co-chair of their Energy Project, a visiting adjunct professor at Georgetown University, and serves on several boards. He is the founder and chairman of the Center for Native American Youth. Dorgan is a New York Times bestselling author of four books: Take This Job and Ship It, Reckless!, Blowout and his newest novel Gridlock.


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