Clinton Misamore

Mr. Misamore holds a B.S. from Purdue University and a M.A. in International Relations from the Maxwell School at Syracuse University with an Advanced Certificate in Civil Society. His primary focus includes international development, economics, and foreign policy. Clinton is a founding member of Y-Generation Against Poverty and Sanejo—both organizations are successful non-profit organizations with international development focus. He has lived, worked, and conducted research in over 25 countries; He holds over three years experience with project management — from planning, implementation, and evaluation; He holds over four years in positions of administration, event planning, business development, and agricultural and medical research; He has supervised projects, research assignments, and training seminars in a variety of disparate economic and political climates—including post-conflict and conflict settings; He holds management experience in small and medium enterprise consulting in Africa; He has significant experience conducting civil society strengthening and non-profit consulting in over fifteen countries worldwide; He holds management experience in community development projects in Rwanda, Malawi, Ghana, and South Africa; and he has vast leadership experience in positions demanding innovative problem solving, attentiveness, and quality performance, while often working in fast-paced, dynamic environments.


Good Leadership Essential for Development