Stephen Simchak

Steve Simchak is an international trade and business professional from Washington, DC and Pennsylvania. He currently works for an association that represents US services corporations in international trade matters, and previously was a Legislative Assistant to Congressman Randy Forbes (R-VA). Steve holds a Master of Science in Global Politics degree from the London School of Economics and a Bachelor's Degree in History, Phi Beta Kappa, from Trinity College in Hartford, CT. Steve's hobbies include writing, shooting skeet and sporting clays, playing squash, and travel.


U.S.-EU Super Trade Pact: How the Two Can Drive the Global Economy Once More


Message To Congress: Trade Pacts Create Jobs


Stalled Doha Round Opens Trade Opportunities


India's State Elections Provide the Prospect for Liberal Economic Reform


House Republican Freshmen Reject Protectionism


Global Trade and Rebirth in American Manufacturing


Misrepresentations of Trade: The Short Changing of Services