238 Years of Racism and Hypocrisy in America — In One Tweet

Shocking to absolutely nobody: America is sometimes offensive, other times confusing. Since it's founding, and through the present.
And @BlakeDontCrack — in an epic tweet — reminds us of this fact.
What's he referring to? Black Lives Matter, which began after Trayvon Martin's death in 2012 to rebuild the black liberation movement and draw attention to injustices that many black people face.
As its founders wrote on its website, "the statement 'black lives matter' is not an anti-white proposition. Contained within the statement is an unspoken, implied 'too' as in 'black lives matter too,' which suggests that the statement is one of inclusion rather than exclusion."
Unable to resist running their mouths — and apparently uninterested in the basic meaning of the phrase — these white politicians chimed in to the convo. But they might have been better off ... just not.
Martin O'Malley at the Netroots Nation conference in July
The context: The former Maryland governor was booed when he responded to demonstrators "black lives matter" exclamations with "Black lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter." He later issued an apology.
Hillary Clinton at a historic black church in June 2015
The context: Clinton was telling a story about her mother while visiting Christ the King United Church of Christ in Florissant, Missouri.
But she landed in some deep trouble with the black audience when she said, "I asked [my mother], 'What kept you going?' Her answer was very simple. Kindness along the way from someone who believed she mattered. All lives matter."
Donald Trump at a rally in Virginia in February
The context: Trump responded to protesters shouting "black lives matter" at a rally at Radford University with "All right, folks. You're gonna hear this. You're gonna hear it once." He then announced, "All. Lives. Matter."
Jim Webb during a Democratic debate in October
The context: All the potential Democratic presidential candidates were asked whether black lives mattered or if all lives mattered during the October Democratic debate in Las Vegas. Webb was the only one to say "As a president of the United States, every life in this country matters."
Jeb Bush in New Hampshire in July
The context: When asked his opinion on whether O'Malley needed to apologize for saying all lives matter, Bush answered, "We're so uptight and so politically correct now that we apologize for saying 'lives matter'?
"If he believes that white lives matter, which I hope he does, then he shouldn't have apologized to a group that seemed to disagree with it."
Chris Christie at a town hall event in Iowa in November
The context: The New Jersey governor was asked to address how he would support law enforcement if elected. "I think all lives matter," he said. "But let me tell you this: When a movement like that calls for the murder of police officers ... no president of the United States should dignify a group like that."
Carly Fiorina on The Kelly File in August
The context: Fiorina believes that black people have suffered because of Democratic initiatives. "First of all, of course all lives matter," she said. "Secondly, black lives have been diminished under Democratic policies. That's just true."
John Kasich in an interview with CNN in August
The context: Like Bush, the Ohio governor was asked if he could comment on whether O'Malley should apologize. "All lives do matter," he said. "Black lives matter, especially now, because there's a fear in these communities that, you know, the justice isn't working for them."
Ted Cruz at the Conservative Political Action Conference in March
The context: The Texas senator defended law enforcement and questioned why Democrats opted not to say "all lives matter." "The Democratic Party is unwilling to say the words 'all lives matter,'" he said. "When did it become controversial to say every human being is a precious gift from God and we value everybody? All lives matter, but let me tell you, blue lives matter."