Kylie Jenner Created This Nail Polish to 'Stomp Out Bullying'

Kylie Jenner is known for a lot of things: her lips, her lip fillers, her Lip Kits, etc. One thing that doesn't make the list? Being an anti-bullying activist. But, as it turns out, the 18-year-old is using her nail polish collaboration with Sinful Colors to educate and raise money for this very topic.
Along with the beauty brand, Jenner has created three limited edition shades. appropriately named "Kompassionate," "Kourageous" and "Konfident." The nail polish will be up for auction until Thursday on, with all proceeds going to the Stomp Out Bullying organization and the Los Angeles LGBT Center.
"I feel like if I came out and just told my story about bullying, people really wouldn't have sympathy which I am okay with," Jenner says in a video promoting the new polish. "I really wanted to give people with real stories an opportunity to share their story and inspire my fans because they have inspired me so much."
Although Jenner hasn't gone into specifics, she's been previously quoted saying that she's been bullied her whole life. In September, she launched the #IAmMoreThan campaign on Instagram where she shared the stories of six people who had been bullied, in response to her own experiences.
"People are so quick to say horrible things about me everyday over and over and sometimes I can't take it," she said in an Instagram post at the time. "Even I at times get affected by it, I break down, I hide, I cry. It's resulted in a lot of anxiety for me that I've never had to deal with before ever."
Sure, Jenner can make cult beauty products fly off the shelves, but she's also out there admitting to her mistakes and supporting issues that hit home for a lot of people.
And, for that, we have to ask: What will the reigning King do next?
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