Foxconn Riots: More iPhone 5 Problems as 2K Workers Brawl in Chinese Plant
Apple's recent release of its much anticipated iPhone 5 and its operating system iOS 6 has been overshadowed by problems stemming from its flawed new Maps app, which substituted previously built-in Google Maps after Apple and Google broke up over smart phone competitor Android. But that might be the least of the Cupertino company's problems.
NY Times reported that Foxconn Technology, a major supplier to some of the world’s electronics giants, including Apple, closed one of its large Chinese plants Monday after 5,000 police officers were sent to quell a rebellion by approximately 2,0000 live-in employees, which supposedly started as a personal altercation in one of the plants' dorms.
A spokesman from the company said the incident, which was supposedly confined to the dormitory, didn't damage any property or facilities and that some workers were mildly hurt while others were detained by police. The company added that the cause of the incident remained "under investigation."
However, one employee reportedly said the incident began when workers started brawling with security guards, while unconfirmed photographs and video circulated on social networking sites -- purporting to be from the factory -- showed smashed windows, riot police officers and large groups of workers milling around. Foxconn employs approximately 79,000 workers in this particular plant and about 1.1 million total workers in China.
And though Apple is absolutely not responsible for the incident, these and others PR mishaps regarding the production of its devices in Foxconn Chinese factories will surely add strain on a company long perceived as cool and innovative.