'Big Brother 18': A surprise eviction starts with one epic speech

With only five contestants left in the Big Brother house, alliances are just bound to be broken. But apparently Paul and Victor didn't expect to be stabbed in the back just yet.
On Sunday night's episode, Head of Household Corey nominated two members of his final four deal: Paul and Victor. At the beginning of Tuesday's installment, Julie Chen lets the houseguests know that tonight there will be a surprise eviction, with one contestant being sent to the jury house.
But before the veto, eviction and HOH competition, viewers learn what happened immediately after Sunday's nomination ceremony.
"I have no respect for Corey and Nicole right now," Victor says in the diary room. "I thought I finally had something real with this final four alliance and it meant a lot to me, but obviously it didn't mean much to them." As Nicole says to Corey, "We're down to final five. What do they expect?"
Paul goes upstairs to the HOH room to "work his magic" and attempt to keep him and Victor safe this week. After Corey calls Victor upstairs, Victor says that if he stays he will be coming for revenge.
Power of Veto competition and ceremony
One by one the contestants will go outside and fly down a zip line while trying to memorize 16 past and current houseguest comic books covers and their order. They then have to find and place the covers in the exact order as they had seen while zip lining. The person who does this in the shortest amount of time wins the veto.
Nicole wins the power of veto after finishing the competition in a little under 14 minutes, but decides not to use it at the veto ceremony.
In one epic speech, Paul decides to roast his fellow houseguests before the eviction vote. "James, you're always walking around saying this isn't your first rodeo," he says. "But I bet this will be your last because Natalie took you for one hell of a ride."
To Nicole, he said: "You remind me of an animal, but I can't seem to put my finger on it. It's going to rattle my mind a bit." And to Corey: "You claim to be really good at baseball, but we're in the last inning, bro, and you still haven't hit first base with Nicole."
By a vote of 2-0, Victor is evicted from the Big Brother house for the third time this season. "I really don't blame [Nicole and Corey] for taking a shot at us when they could," he says to Julie. "It was really smart for their game."
HOH competition
In a competition called "What the Bleep," James, Nicole and Paul are shown a clip of one of their houseguests saying something this summer with one word bleeped out. Julie then tells them what the word might be and the houseguests must decide whether it is true or false.
Paul wins the HOH competition.
To find out who he nominates, who wins the power of veto and who is eliminated in a live eviction, watch the next episode of Big Brother on Wednesday at 8 p.m. EST.