'Mass Effect: Andromeda' Combative Upgrade Guide: How to access the latest Apex mission

Mass Effect: Andromeda's multiplayer mode offers several ways for you to keep playing long after you've completed the single-player campaign. If you're ready to take on the multiplayer component, you can take part in several strike team and Apex missions — optional tasks you can tackle with friends.
Some Apex missions are only available for a limited time, so you've got to take advantage of them when they come around. The latest is the Apex mission "Those Alien Artifacts Aren't For You!" available April 14 until April 17 on all platforms.
You'll also have access to this mission and the new, awesomely powerful combative upgrade power-up in the multiplayer store, which should help give you a leg up on the competition. Here's how you can take advantage of both the new mission and available upgrades.
Mass Effect: Andromeda Combative Upgrade Guide: What do you get with the latest Apex mission?
"Those Alien Artifacts Aren't For You!" is the latest Apex mission. To help complete it, you'll be able to take advantage of a new Salarian architect load-out with a modded Remnant reprogrammed for Apex use.
You can also purchase the combatives upgrade, which will offer a 10% increase to damage for assault rifles and pistols. It'll cost you 120 mission funds, but it's great if you often play offense-heavy character builds. You can also purchase the adaptive war amp, which will augment any biotic powers your characters can use.
Mission funds are earned by playing and completing strike team missions and Apex missions in Mass Effect: Andromeda's multiplayer mode, so spend those funds wisely.
Now get out there and hunt some Kett before this new Apex mission expires.
More Mass Effect: Andromeda news, updates, tips and tricks
For more on everyone's favorite space opera, check out the rest of what Mic has to offer. Here's an essay on the troubling history of colonialism in Mass Effect, a story about the horrifying harassment campaign carried out against a former BioWare employee, a guide to removing Ryder's helmet, a guide on romancing Keri, a guide to romancing Reyes and a quick explainer on the different types of health in Andromeda.