While the Trump administration is being investigated, the White House searches for interns

The last few days could rank among some of the worst in President Donald Trump's presidency — and we are only 119 days in.
Over the last week, the investigation into Trump and his administration's ties to Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign has heated up, McClatchy reported. Specifically, McClatchy noted, things are accelerating due to a new probe into a potential cover-up which began after former FBI Director James Comey allegedly accused Trump of asking him to end an investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn. Trump denied the allegation, Mic reported, simply replying "no, no," when asked about the incident during a news conference. To add more fuel to the fire, it was revealed on Friday that Trump told Russian officials, "I just fired the head of the FBI. He was crazy, a real nut job. I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off."
So, with all this going down at the White House, it apparently seemed like the appropriate time to hire a few interns.
That's right, college students of America are cordially invited to apply to become a White House intern under the Trump presidency where you can work grueling hours writing memos and attending meetings, so long as you pledge your allegiance to the "mission of the Trump administration." Oh, and you may just get indicted at some point depending on what you hear or see along the way.
In the application, would-be interns must provide a few pieces of personal information, two letters of reference illustrating his or her personal character and answer the following questions:
"Which Trump cabinet member do you most admire, and why?"
"For what do you hope to be remembered?"
"What do you view as the most significant achievement of the Trump administration thus far?"
Additionally, as Quartz reported, applicants must write a 400-word "professional policy memorandum for a senior staffer giving a recommendation for a change to a specific policy that is already in place, to include an explanation of why the proposed change would be beneficial to the American people."
To apply for the unpaid internship position, applicants must be currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate degree program at a college, community college, or university (two-to-four year institution), have graduated from an undergraduate or graduate degree program no more than two years before the internship program's start date, or be a veteran of the United States Armed Forces who possesses a high school diploma or its equivalent and has served on active duty—for any length of time—in the two years preceding the internship program start date.