The Asgardia space nation is making a big announcement. Here's what we know so far.

If the current state of affairs has you ready to leave Earth behind, you're in luck. There's a group that's trying to base an entire human society in orbit.
In October, a group of scientists announced plans to create Asgardia, the first-ever space nation. Now, they will announce their next steps from Hong Kong on June 13.
No, but really, though — scientists are serious
The mere concept may sound ridiculous, but it's no joke to the scientists behind it. Though a full list of names has not been disclosed, those who have gone public as supporters and founders of Asgardia certainly aren't quacks. Plus, more than 183,000 people have already applied to join the space nation, which is crowdsourcing its own anthem and national flag and has drafted a constitution in 10 languages.
Asgardia would function as a defense network for Earth and, if all went as planned, space dwellers would stop space debris and meteorites from crashing down onto Earth. Asgardia would also try to prevent massive power blackouts that could be caused by coronal mass ejections — something that NASA is hoping to accomplish with its upcoming Parker Solar Probe mission.
Here's what we know right now
First of all, don't worry — all Asgardians are allowed to keep citizenship with their Earthling nations, according to its constitution. If all else fails, they can go back to their homes on Earth (but just a forewarning: citizens will pay taxes).
Asgardians will have 13 months in their year, with one month called "Asgar" in between June and July. They'll be exposed to multiple national languages, their own currency and their own banks, Motherboard reported. But much of this hinges on whether or not the rest of the world will recognize Asgardia as its own nation, and that may require some fudging of currently existing international space law.
Regardless, scientists are moving forward. They filed their satellite with the FCC, perhaps as a first step to eventually getting a space station in orbit. They may send a 512GB solid state drive along with it, but there's no telling what kind of information may be stored on it.
These secrets may be revealed on June 13 during the press conference in Hong Kong.